Support Mission Point Church through our Times12 network

We are excited to see how you can partner with us as we plant Mission Point Church in Williamsburg, VA.  We know the Lord has gone ahead and is already working in this area!  As we have been on our knees, He has already begun to set many things in place.

Reaching the lost is Kingdom work and cannot be accomplished alone.  We need partners!  Please prayerfully consider becoming a financial partner in this mission of reaching the lost.  We are grateful for each of you.


Step  One:  Pray

Pray about becoming a Giving Partner, and let us know what you decide. if yes...

Step Two:  Amount

Please consider helping with a monthly gift.  
Our goal:
  •  5 people @ $500/month
  • 10 people @ $250/month
  • 30 people @ $100/month
  • 40 people @ $50/month
  • 40 people @ $25/month

Step Three: Give

Give online:
  • Go to
  • click on the "Give" tab
  • Click the "Make a Donation" button
  • Select "Wes White" in the "campaign dropdown

 OR : Give

Mail checks payable to:
   P.O. Box 1586, Ammapolis, MD 21404
Please enclose a not indicating your support for
 Wes White