Wes & Michelle White
Church Planters
We have been married for 24 adventure-filled years, always striving to follow Jesus’ calling on our lives. He has blessed us with 4 amazing kids: Weston, newly married to Andri, Nathan (20), Jonathan (19), and Carolina (16), who have bravely joined in every adventure the Lord has taken us on throughout our journey.
Wes gave his life to Jesus when he was 15 and Michelle at the age of 5. We both graduated with our masters from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in NC, where we met, married and started ministry together. Wes was ordained shortly after graduation; and we have served in student ministry, as well as church planting missionaries in Spain. After coming off the field, Wes served as a missions pastor before being called to this new adventure of planting Mission Point Church in Williamsburg, VA.
As we began praying through this calling, we realized that the Lord has had church planting as a part of our lives from the beginning. Wes working with a church plant through college and Michelle growing up in a church plant that began in her family’s basement. From there, we have been involved in church planting in some aspect of our ministry career everywhere the Lord has taken us, including planting a church in Picassent, Spain. Having traveled all over the world leading countless mission trips, we have seen the Lord working in awe-inspiring ways. Our prayer is to see Him work in that same way here in Virginia. We look forward to partnering with you in this calling. For His glory, –Wes & Michelle
Wes gave his life to Jesus when he was 15 and Michelle at the age of 5. We both graduated with our masters from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in NC, where we met, married and started ministry together. Wes was ordained shortly after graduation; and we have served in student ministry, as well as church planting missionaries in Spain. After coming off the field, Wes served as a missions pastor before being called to this new adventure of planting Mission Point Church in Williamsburg, VA.
As we began praying through this calling, we realized that the Lord has had church planting as a part of our lives from the beginning. Wes working with a church plant through college and Michelle growing up in a church plant that began in her family’s basement. From there, we have been involved in church planting in some aspect of our ministry career everywhere the Lord has taken us, including planting a church in Picassent, Spain. Having traveled all over the world leading countless mission trips, we have seen the Lord working in awe-inspiring ways. Our prayer is to see Him work in that same way here in Virginia. We look forward to partnering with you in this calling. For His glory, –Wes & Michelle